Как я боролся с простатитом.

Здесь рассказываем о своих методах лечения простатита.

Модератор: joy

Как я боролся с простатитом.

Сообщение Rus » 22 авг 2010, 12:58

Как я боролся с простатитом?
Пошел к урологу, сделал анализы, оказалась кишечная палочка в 5 степени и уреоплазма. Врач приписал стандартный рецепт: офлоксицин 400мг 2 раза в день, свечи мовалис и витапрост, ромашка в качестве клизмы и флюконазол.
Следуя этой схеме начал лечить…как-будто и не чувствовал облегчения.
Я с этим не сдавался …залез в интернет и начал собирать инфо по всем форумам, даже англоязычным и немецкоязычных. Проанализировал все, решил применять все, что некоторым людям помогало.
- значит от массажа простаты сразу отказался (наносит больше вреда, чем пользы+большие деньги платить. В 1968 г его запретили еще в Европе, но наши урологи практикуют на воспаленном органе)
- купил еще БАДы на 700 грн:
- Про Формула,
- Кальций (Тяньши) + (Био)Цинк (Тяньши и Елит Фарм) (врачи его кстати не приписывают, хотя он очень важен для простаты) употреблял по 50 мг в день на протяжении 1,5 месяца,
- Кордицепс (Тяньши) по 4 табл в день,
- дренаж простаты с помощью мастурбации (секс лучше, если есть девушка постоянная, потому что работают все тазовые мышцы) каждый день по 1 разу, иногда давал перерыв 2-3 дня
- массаж анального отверстия утром рукой 15 минут, + медленное втягивание и вытягивание анального кольца в себя по 10 секунд на протяжении 10 мин дома… можно стоя, сидя, или когда едешь в транспорте (для притока крови в тазовые мышцы, чтобы антибиотики туда пробирались),
- хотьба и плавание уменьшали ощущения боли в промежности, особенно после плавания иногда забывал, что что-то болело,
- Ездил на велике, но редко, на лошади еще можно - очень хорошо массажирует,
- пытался отвлекаться и не зацыкливаться, так как когда зацыкливаешься, то кажется, что состояние+боль вечное. Знакомился с девушками…работал…читал…! ЭТО ОЧЕНЬ ВАЖНО-НЕ ЗАЦЫКЛИВАТЬСЯ ПСИХОЛОГИЧЕСКИ, ПСИХОСОМАТИЧЕСКОЕ РАССТРОЙСТВО САМОЕ СТРАШНОЕ, БЕЗ НЕГО ИЗЛЕЧЕНИЕ НЕВОЗМОЖНО БУДЕТ! НУЖНО НА ПОЗИТИВЕ ПЫТАТЬСЯ ЖИТЬ!
- алкоголь не употреблял, кофе тоже. Хотя иногда приходилось чашечку пропустить!
Спустя курса медикаментов 10 дней, решил к врачу не идти, а подождать пока антибиотик выведется из организма и начнет проявляться действия. УЛУЧШЕНИЯ начались спустя 10 дней! Решил заняться дальше поднятием иммунитета, так как после антибиотика убивается на 70%. Для этого купил Лактусан, который содержит лактулозу, на основе которой размножаются полезные бактерии в кишечнике. Или купите Лактонию (кефир) и пейте его 10 дней…там тоже лактулоза. Только не введитесь на всякие таблетки с бактериями, которые рекламируются, ибо 90% их убивается в желудке соляной кислотой и они туда проникают в малом количестве. Лучше уж лактулозы им подбросить и они будут сами размножаться. В общем чтобы побнять иммунитет, нужно просто открыть интернет и почитать!!! Состояние кала восстановил – значит с микрофлорой у меня все стало на свои места, иммунитет поднял и теперь он мне будет помогать бороться сам! Ел Орехи+зеленый чай, лимон, фрукты…
Далее вычитал на англоязычном сайте мнение врача через пациента, что когда даже микробы убиваются в простате, то остается синдром хронического простатита (мышцы как бы растягиваются чуток и нервы таза запечатлевают все болевые ощущения при недуге) – то есть: болевые ощущения, а простатита может и не быть уже. В этом случае он отправил его к физиотерапевту. Тот делал с ним комплекс упражнений для растяжек тазовых мышц – то есть: их нужно растягивать, тренировать и потом синдром проходит. Начал выполнять эти растяжки сам: медленные приседания, присядки на шпагат на одной ноге, потом на двух…то есть: все упражнения, которые связаны с ногами – покрутить, повертеть медленно!
Поехал на море прибавлять больше иммунитета!!!! Морская соль в море + отдых от нервов +отвлечение от всего дало результат. Забывал, что что-то болит. Но болело уже не так, а на 50% меньше.
Теперь могу сидеть и не чувствуется в промежности шарик! Начала утренняя эрекция появляться! Чаще стоит! Есть чуток ощущений напряженности в промежности конечно, но это чепуха в сравнении, что было раньше! Надо время еще! Прошло-то всего 1 месяц и 10 дней!
Сделал контрольную проверку – микоплазмы и уреоплазмы не обнаружены! УРА!
Вот такая была разработана мною схема лечения! Попробуйте! Не знаю, что больше помогло или БАДы, или антибиотики, или упражнения…наверное все в комплексе!!!! В качестве закрепления еще хочу купить в NSP Со Пальметто около 112 грн!
Хочу еще выложить то, что нашел на англоязычном сайте:


For those of you in pain and despair, I'd like to share my very hopeful story because I want to help. I believe there is a way out of this terrible and debilitating condition! I am 39 years old and after two years of pain and suffering, I can honestly say my pain and discomfort are pretty much gone. I am giving all the details of my story in hopes that it will better inform other people out there experiencing this. But if you want to bypass some of the details, look below for the tips in bold.

Back in early 2007 I noticed after I was done urinating, a wet spot the size of quarter usually would appear on my jeans. I found this odd and out of the ordinary, but it was certainly happening all the time. I was not in any sort of pain but was concerned so I asked an older friend about it and he said it might have something to do with my prostate. I figured I'd do the 'wait and see' approach for a while but after a few months, it never cleared up. I soon started to alter my routine after urinating to keep from dribbling in my pants. At this point I should have gone to a urologist right away but I didn't because I didn't have health insurance and I was a little scared and unsure of what the problem really was.

Another few months had passed and then I started noticing some mild discomfort in my crotch, especially while sitting. Then one day, I started to feel pretty awful as some sort of urinary tract infection set in. I was feverish and very uncomfortable and found myself taking many frequent trips to the bathroom. My pee stream was thin and weak and I noticed I wasn't passing very much urine with each visit. As soon as I could, I went to a general practice doctor.

He didn't shed too much light on the subject, but concluded I did in fact have some sort of infection and gave me a 10 day prescription of the antibiotic cipro. After a few days it seemed the infection was clearing up and a I was feeling a bit better, however the pelvic discomfort and some of the urinary problems didn't really go away. Another few months had passed and now my pelvic discomfort started to turn into real consistent pain. Sitting for long periods was becoming more and more difficult and uncomfortable. Not sure what was going on and still hesitant to see a urologist, I decided to do everything I could on my own to improve my health. I started exercising more, cut out caffeine, alcohol and spicy foods. I even went strict vegetarian. Despite these efforts, it really didn't seem to help much and my pain was actually getting worse.

At this point, I started to notice a general decrease in my libido too. Sex wasn't painful or anything like that, but I found my desire for it diminishing. Another few months rolled by and then another infection set in... This time I was on a long plane ride and it was the worst time and place to get another flare up. Sitting was already uncomfortable and this infection seemed to make it a lot worse. I could actually feel the infection spreading to my kidneys. At one point, I thought I might have to have them land the plane. When I landed, I called a doctor friend of mine and he called in another 10 day prescription of cipro. After completing the medication, I didn't ever feel like the infection got knocked out. Another week later I was at the doctor again... This time he diagnosed me with bacterial prostatitis and gave me a 4 week supply of cipro.

While I believed this round finally knocked out the infection, I was still experiencing lots of pelvic pain and poor urinary symptoms as well as decreasing libido. Doing some research on the web, I could identify with a lot of the painful symptoms others were having... pain in the area between the scrotum and anus (taint) and pain through the inner thighs and in the lower back. The description of feeling like sitting on a golf ball was an understatement... At times it felt more like having a vice grip on my taint. Despite the research, I was having trouble finding stories of people who experienced all this but actually got better. This was really getting me down mentally so I started finally talking about it with friends and someone recommended a holistic doctor. I went a number of times and he gave me a bunch of herbal treatments. It did seem to help a little, but in the end I really hadn't gotten much better. I just decided to struggle with it and stick to the things that seemed to help... Advil, hot baths and avoiding sitting and general stress whenever possible.

Then in January of 2009 I went to see a urologist. I told him my story and he checked me out. I was still experiencing a lot of pain but my prostate was healthy (not swollen) and there wasn't any sign of infection so he diagnosed me with chronic non bacterial prostatitis. He also recommended I see a special physical therapist. Not fully understanding the diagnosis, I found it strange that a physical therapist could help. He explained that I had a chronic prostate infection and although it was gone the trauma to the area left the pelvic floor muscle very weak, tense and agitated. He explained there are a lot of nerves the area around the prostate and this condition was irritating them, which sets up a cycle of chronic pain.

A bit skeptical, I went to see the physical therapist. She gave me a bunch of helpful information, lots of specialized exercises/stretches as well as some hope. It took a while and some discipline, but it actually started to help! After a few visits she recommended that I stop seeing her and use my money and get some regular thai massage (focusing on the legs, inner thighs and back). This helped even more and I quite enjoyed it. Now as I am approaching the 2 year mark since my first symptoms, I can say with confidence that I think I found my cure... DEVELOPING AND KEEPING THE PELVIC FLOOR MUSCLES STRONG AND HEALTHY. Sitting is no longer a problem, the constant nagging pain is gone and I even got my libido back.

In summary here are my understandings and what seemed to really help. Please understand I am not a doctor and not trying to give official diagnosis/treatment advice. Still seek medical attention if you are in real pain or unsure of what is going on. You may have a more serious medical condition.

* SOMEHOW I GOT AN INFECTION IN MY PROSTATE - (swollen prostate, difficulty with urination, dribbling, frequent trips to the bathroom, etc). Not sure of the reason for this but it seemed it took a while for the really bad symptoms to develop (fever, pelvic pain and general discomfort). I believe if you have this you would be diagnosed with bacterial prostatitis.

* ANTIBIOTICS WERE ONLY REALLY EFFECTIVE ONCE I GOT AN EXTENDED DOSE (4 weeks) - as I understand it, infections in the prostate are difficult to route out as the cells in the prostate make it tough for the antibiotics to reach the infection.

* DURING THE INFECTION, EJACULATION SEEMED TO HELP EASE PROSTATE PAIN - it is my understanding that when the prostate is infected it swells. It has a membrane around it that really doesn't stretch so when your prostate builds up regular seminal fluid, it really gets stretched and causes pain. Draining the prostate through ejaculation relieves the pressure, plus the doctor said this process of voiding the prostate can help the antibiotics get into the nitty gritty of the gland.

* AFTER THE INFECTION CLEARED UP MY PELVIC FLOOR MUSCLES WERE LEFT TRAUMATIZED - I think this was the most confusing thing of the whole experience... How does a prostate infection cause a muscular/nerve problem? I don't know, but I believe this was the reason for the prolonged and never ending pain and discomfort. I believe if you have this you would be diagnosed with chronic non bacterial prostatitis. Some others would call it Pelvic Pain Syndrome.

* HOT BATHS (sitz baths) AND ANTI-INFLAMMITORY PAIN RELIEVERS (advil, aleive, etc) SEEMED TO REDUCE THE PAIN - the body likes heat and seems to relax it, so in the case of the pelvic floor muscle and the nerves it would make sense this would offer some relief. The anti-inflammitory effects of the pain relievers helps quell the irritation of the nerves as well.

* AVOID CAFFEINE, ALCOHOL AND SPICY FOODS - it was my experience that doing this didn't cure the problem, but no doubt about it, consuming these things did make it worse. Plus you will improve your general health as a result.

* PROSTATE SUPPLEMENTS AND HERBS DIDN'T SEEM TO HELP MUCH - there are a ton of products out there and those companies are trying to help while capitalizing on the opportunity to offer people in despair a solution. I tried some of those products and although I don't think they helped very much, I don't feel they hurt either. They may offer general benefit to the prostate, but I doubt they can cure a problem that is nerve and muscle related.

* COULDN'T TELL IF PROSTATE MASSAGE WAS REALLY HELPFUL - in doing research, you might find some info on prostate massage and prostate milking. After the infection was gone, I did try some self prostate massage and found it difficult to perform. It seemed to offer *some* relief but when my prostate was swollen and infected I couldn't imagine the thought of rigorously touching it. The urologist didn't recommend it and further didn't believe that 'milking' the prostate was beneficial. The physical therapist felt that prostate massage might be helpful but only in the sense that it might help ease the tension of the muscles and nerves surrounding the prostate.

* SITTING WAS THE NUMBER ONE MOST DIFFICULT AND PAINFUL THING - Like I mentioned before, sitting became very painful and I felt that it certainly agitated the condition and made it worse. Obviously you can't really live modern life without sitting at some point and I found this to be the one of the more depressing aspects of the whole experience besides the decreased libido. I tried doughnuts and cushions, etc. Some helped ease the pain a little, but in general I just tried to avoid sitting whenever possible.

* STRESS CERTAINLY MADE THINGS WORSE - I think this goes with out saying... I think it brings a new meaning and implication to the term 'tight ass'.

* CONSISTENT PHYSICAL THERAPY AND STRENGTHENING THE PELVIC FLOOR MUSCLES WAS THE MOST HELPFUL - I was lucky enough to finally get sent to a physical therapist that specializes in Pelvic Pain Syndrome for both men and women (yes it seems women can get this too sometimes after pregnancy). It seems that this is a new approach to an old problem and many doctors might not be aware of this line of treatment. None the less, most of the things she showed me are not hard to do and can be done by anyone. The best one I learned was sort of like a kegal exercise. Basically, you gently tense up your anus and hold it for 10 seconds then release it for 10 seconds. The key is not to tense up too much. She had me do this process for up to 20 minutes twice a day. This can be done anytime while sitting, standing or laying down. I found it hard at first to do a full 20 minutes, so I just gradually worked up to it.

* CONSISTENT STRETCHING OF THE LEGS, INNER THIGHS AND BACK WAS THE NEXT MOST HELPFUL THING - My physical therapist showed me a variety of stretches and I would share them here, but they are too difficult to describe. All in all, a lot of them were based on yoga stretches so that would be a good place to start. But really, any stretch that deals with those muscles groups should help.

* THAI MASSAGE ALTHOUGH EXPENSIVE WAS ALSO VERY HELPFUL - I did the recommended stretches, but getting a quality thai massage twice a month was way better than anything I could do on my own. I really enjoyed the sessions, but FYI if you don't like intense deep massage, this might not be for you.

* THE UROLOGIST SAID MY DECREASED LIBIDO DID NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH MY PROSTATE - I found this hard to believe because the decreased libido didn't start until I starting having problems with my prostate and my libido eventually came back as the symptoms of the Pelvic Pain Syndrome went away. Maybe the decreased libido was a result of just not feeling well and getting further depressed. Or the weakening of the pelvic floor muscle made it harder to 'get hard'.
Who knows, but I can say that it has come back so I feel there is hope for others who might be experiencing the same.

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Зарегистрирован: 22 авг 2010, 12:48
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Re: Как я боролся с простатитом.

Сообщение Иван » 28 фев 2011, 23:50

В принципе данная история подтверждает правило - успешный результат возможен только при комплексном лечении, т.е. когда идет воздействие на все факторы, участвующие в развитии простатита. Все в наших руках.
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Re: Как я боролся с простатитом.

Сообщение alex_D » 06 мар 2011, 22:28

Очень хорошие и правильные советы!! я тоже читал неоднозначные мнения про массаж простаты - многие не советуют его.
Только смущают БАДы - ну не верю я в них как-то...
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Re: Как я боролся с простатитом.

Сообщение Никита » 14 мар 2011, 14:13

Я тоже не сторонник БАДОв, а вот комплексное тщательное лечение рулит))
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Re: Как я боролся с простатитом.

Сообщение bolik@mail.ru » 16 июн 2011, 22:11

Rus писал(а):Как я боролся с простатитом?
Пошел к урологу, сделал анализы, оказалась кишечная палочка в 5 степени и уреоплазма. Врач приписал стандартный рецепт: офлоксицин 400мг 2 раза в день, свечи мовалис и витапрост, ромашка в качестве клизмы и флюконазол.
Следуя этой схеме начал лечить…как-будто и не чувствовал облегчения.
Я с этим не сдавался …залез в интернет и начал собирать инфо по всем форумам, даже англоязычным и немецкоязычных. Проанализировал все, решил применять все, что некоторым людям помогало.
- значит от массажа простаты сразу отказался (наносит больше вреда, чем пользы+большие деньги платить. В 1968 г его запретили еще в Европе, но наши урологи практикуют на воспаленном органе)
- купил еще БАДы на 700 грн:
- Про Формула,
- Кальций (Тяньши) + (Био)Цинк (Тяньши и Елит Фарм) (врачи его кстати не приписывают, хотя он очень важен для простаты) употреблял по 50 мг в день на протяжении 1,5 месяца,
- Кордицепс (Тяньши) по 4 табл в день,
- дренаж простаты с помощью мастурбации (секс лучше, если есть девушка постоянная, потому что работают все тазовые мышцы) каждый день по 1 разу, иногда давал перерыв 2-3 дня
- массаж анального отверстия утром рукой 15 минут, + медленное втягивание и вытягивание анального кольца в себя по 10 секунд на протяжении 10 мин дома… можно стоя, сидя, или когда едешь в транспорте (для притока крови в тазовые мышцы, чтобы антибиотики туда пробирались),
- хотьба и плавание уменьшали ощущения боли в промежности, особенно после плавания иногда забывал, что что-то болело,
- Ездил на велике, но редко, на лошади еще можно - очень хорошо массажирует,
- пытался отвлекаться и не зацыкливаться, так как когда зацыкливаешься, то кажется, что состояние+боль вечное. Знакомился с девушками…работал…читал…! ЭТО ОЧЕНЬ ВАЖНО-НЕ ЗАЦЫКЛИВАТЬСЯ ПСИХОЛОГИЧЕСКИ, ПСИХОСОМАТИЧЕСКОЕ РАССТРОЙСТВО САМОЕ СТРАШНОЕ, БЕЗ НЕГО ИЗЛЕЧЕНИЕ НЕВОЗМОЖНО БУДЕТ! НУЖНО НА ПОЗИТИВЕ ПЫТАТЬСЯ ЖИТЬ!
- алкоголь не употреблял, кофе тоже. Хотя иногда приходилось чашечку пропустить!
Спустя курса медикаментов 10 дней, решил к врачу не идти, а подождать пока антибиотик выведется из организма и начнет проявляться действия. УЛУЧШЕНИЯ начались спустя 10 дней! Решил заняться дальше поднятием иммунитета, так как после антибиотика убивается на 70%. Для этого купил Лактусан, который содержит лактулозу, на основе которой размножаются полезные бактерии в кишечнике. Или купите Лактонию (кефир) и пейте его 10 дней…там тоже лактулоза. Только не введитесь на всякие таблетки с бактериями, которые рекламируются, ибо 90% их убивается в желудке соляной кислотой и они туда проникают в малом количестве. Лучше уж лактулозы им подбросить и они будут сами размножаться. В общем чтобы побнять иммунитет, нужно просто открыть интернет и почитать!!! Состояние кала восстановил – значит с микрофлорой у меня все стало на свои места, иммунитет поднял и теперь он мне будет помогать бороться сам! Ел Орехи+зеленый чай, лимон, фрукты…
Далее вычитал на англоязычном сайте мнение врача через пациента, что когда даже микробы убиваются в простате, то остается синдром хронического простатита (мышцы как бы растягиваются чуток и нервы таза запечатлевают все болевые ощущения при недуге) – то есть: болевые ощущения, а простатита может и не быть уже. В этом случае он отправил его к физиотерапевту. Тот делал с ним комплекс упражнений для растяжек тазовых мышц – то есть: их нужно растягивать, тренировать и потом синдром проходит. Начал выполнять эти растяжки сам: медленные приседания, присядки на шпагат на одной ноге, потом на двух…то есть: все упражнения, которые связаны с ногами – покрутить, повертеть медленно!
Поехал на море прибавлять больше иммунитета!!!! Морская соль в море + отдых от нервов +отвлечение от всего дало результат. Забывал, что что-то болит. Но болело уже не так, а на 50% меньше.
Теперь могу сидеть и не чувствуется в промежности шарик! Начала утренняя эрекция появляться! Чаще стоит! Есть чуток ощущений напряженности в промежности конечно, но это чепуха в сравнении, что было раньше! Надо время еще! Прошло-то всего 1 месяц и 10 дней!
Сделал контрольную проверку – микоплазмы и уреоплазмы не обнаружены! УРА!
Вот такая была разработана мною схема лечения! Попробуйте! Не знаю, что больше помогло или БАДы, или антибиотики, или упражнения…наверное все в комплексе!!!! В качестве закрепления еще хочу купить в NSP Со Пальметто около 112 грн!
Хочу еще выложить то, что нашел на англоязычном сайте:


For those of you in pain and despair, I'd like to share my very hopeful story because I want to help. I believe there is a way out of this terrible and debilitating condition! I am 39 years old and after two years of pain and suffering, I can honestly say my pain and discomfort are pretty much gone. I am giving all the details of my story in hopes that it will better inform other people out there experiencing this. But if you want to bypass some of the details, look below for the tips in bold.

Back in early 2007 I noticed after I was done urinating, a wet spot the size of quarter usually would appear on my jeans. I found this odd and out of the ordinary, but it was certainly happening all the time. I was not in any sort of pain but was concerned so I asked an older friend about it and he said it might have something to do with my prostate. I figured I'd do the 'wait and see' approach for a while but after a few months, it never cleared up. I soon started to alter my routine after urinating to keep from dribbling in my pants. At this point I should have gone to a urologist right away but I didn't because I didn't have health insurance and I was a little scared and unsure of what the problem really was.

Another few months had passed and then I started noticing some mild discomfort in my crotch, especially while sitting. Then one day, I started to feel pretty awful as some sort of urinary tract infection set in. I was feverish and very uncomfortable and found myself taking many frequent trips to the bathroom. My pee stream was thin and weak and I noticed I wasn't passing very much urine with each visit. As soon as I could, I went to a general practice doctor.

He didn't shed too much light on the subject, but concluded I did in fact have some sort of infection and gave me a 10 day prescription of the antibiotic cipro. After a few days it seemed the infection was clearing up and a I was feeling a bit better, however the pelvic discomfort and some of the urinary problems didn't really go away. Another few months had passed and now my pelvic discomfort started to turn into real consistent pain. Sitting for long periods was becoming more and more difficult and uncomfortable. Not sure what was going on and still hesitant to see a urologist, I decided to do everything I could on my own to improve my health. I started exercising more, cut out caffeine, alcohol and spicy foods. I even went strict vegetarian. Despite these efforts, it really didn't seem to help much and my pain was actually getting worse.

At this point, I started to notice a general decrease in my libido too. Sex wasn't painful or anything like that, but I found my desire for it diminishing. Another few months rolled by and then another infection set in... This time I was on a long plane ride and it was the worst time and place to get another flare up. Sitting was already uncomfortable and this infection seemed to make it a lot worse. I could actually feel the infection spreading to my kidneys. At one point, I thought I might have to have them land the plane. When I landed, I called a doctor friend of mine and he called in another 10 day prescription of cipro. After completing the medication, I didn't ever feel like the infection got knocked out. Another week later I was at the doctor again... This time he diagnosed me with bacterial prostatitis and gave me a 4 week supply of cipro.

While I believed this round finally knocked out the infection, I was still experiencing lots of pelvic pain and poor urinary symptoms as well as decreasing libido. Doing some research on the web, I could identify with a lot of the painful symptoms others were having... pain in the area between the scrotum and anus (taint) and pain through the inner thighs and in the lower back. The description of feeling like sitting on a golf ball was an understatement... At times it felt more like having a vice grip on my taint. Despite the research, I was having trouble finding stories of people who experienced all this but actually got better. This was really getting me down mentally so I started finally talking about it with friends and someone recommended a holistic doctor. I went a number of times and he gave me a bunch of herbal treatments. It did seem to help a little, but in the end I really hadn't gotten much better. I just decided to struggle with it and stick to the things that seemed to help... Advil, hot baths and avoiding sitting and general stress whenever possible.

Then in January of 2009 I went to see a urologist. I told him my story and he checked me out. I was still experiencing a lot of pain but my prostate was healthy (not swollen) and there wasn't any sign of infection so he diagnosed me with chronic non bacterial prostatitis. He also recommended I see a special physical therapist. Not fully understanding the diagnosis, I found it strange that a physical therapist could help. He explained that I had a chronic prostate infection and although it was gone the trauma to the area left the pelvic floor muscle very weak, tense and agitated. He explained there are a lot of nerves the area around the prostate and this condition was irritating them, which sets up a cycle of chronic pain.

A bit skeptical, I went to see the physical therapist. She gave me a bunch of helpful information, lots of specialized exercises/stretches as well as some hope. It took a while and some discipline, but it actually started to help! After a few visits she recommended that I stop seeing her and use my money and get some regular thai massage (focusing on the legs, inner thighs and back). This helped even more and I quite enjoyed it. Now as I am approaching the 2 year mark since my first symptoms, I can say with confidence that I think I found my cure... DEVELOPING AND KEEPING THE PELVIC FLOOR MUSCLES STRONG AND HEALTHY. Sitting is no longer a problem, the constant nagging pain is gone and I even got my libido back.

In summary here are my understandings and what seemed to really help. Please understand I am not a doctor and not trying to give official diagnosis/treatment advice. Still seek medical attention if you are in real pain or unsure of what is going on. You may have a more serious medical condition.

* SOMEHOW I GOT AN INFECTION IN MY PROSTATE - (swollen prostate, difficulty with urination, dribbling, frequent trips to the bathroom, etc). Not sure of the reason for this but it seemed it took a while for the really bad symptoms to develop (fever, pelvic pain and general discomfort). I believe if you have this you would be diagnosed with bacterial prostatitis.

* ANTIBIOTICS WERE ONLY REALLY EFFECTIVE ONCE I GOT AN EXTENDED DOSE (4 weeks) - as I understand it, infections in the prostate are difficult to route out as the cells in the prostate make it tough for the antibiotics to reach the infection.

* DURING THE INFECTION, EJACULATION SEEMED TO HELP EASE PROSTATE PAIN - it is my understanding that when the prostate is infected it swells. It has a membrane around it that really doesn't stretch so when your prostate builds up regular seminal fluid, it really gets stretched and causes pain. Draining the prostate through ejaculation relieves the pressure, plus the doctor said this process of voiding the prostate can help the antibiotics get into the nitty gritty of the gland.

* AFTER THE INFECTION CLEARED UP MY PELVIC FLOOR MUSCLES WERE LEFT TRAUMATIZED - I think this was the most confusing thing of the whole experience... How does a prostate infection cause a muscular/nerve problem? I don't know, but I believe this was the reason for the prolonged and never ending pain and discomfort. I believe if you have this you would be diagnosed with chronic non bacterial prostatitis. Some others would call it Pelvic Pain Syndrome.

* HOT BATHS (sitz baths) AND ANTI-INFLAMMITORY PAIN RELIEVERS (advil, aleive, etc) SEEMED TO REDUCE THE PAIN - the body likes heat and seems to relax it, so in the case of the pelvic floor muscle and the nerves it would make sense this would offer some relief. The anti-inflammitory effects of the pain relievers helps quell the irritation of the nerves as well.

* AVOID CAFFEINE, ALCOHOL AND SPICY FOODS - it was my experience that doing this didn't cure the problem, but no doubt about it, consuming these things did make it worse. Plus you will improve your general health as a result.

* PROSTATE SUPPLEMENTS AND HERBS DIDN'T SEEM TO HELP MUCH - there are a ton of products out there and those companies are trying to help while capitalizing on the opportunity to offer people in despair a solution. I tried some of those products and although I don't think they helped very much, I don't feel they hurt either. They may offer general benefit to the prostate, but I doubt they can cure a problem that is nerve and muscle related.

* COULDN'T TELL IF PROSTATE MASSAGE WAS REALLY HELPFUL - in doing research, you might find some info on prostate massage and prostate milking. After the infection was gone, I did try some self prostate massage and found it difficult to perform. It seemed to offer *some* relief but when my prostate was swollen and infected I couldn't imagine the thought of rigorously touching it. The urologist didn't recommend it and further didn't believe that 'milking' the prostate was beneficial. The physical therapist felt that prostate massage might be helpful but only in the sense that it might help ease the tension of the muscles and nerves surrounding the prostate.

* SITTING WAS THE NUMBER ONE MOST DIFFICULT AND PAINFUL THING - Like I mentioned before, sitting became very painful and I felt that it certainly agitated the condition and made it worse. Obviously you can't really live modern life without sitting at some point and I found this to be the one of the more depressing aspects of the whole experience besides the decreased libido. I tried doughnuts and cushions, etc. Some helped ease the pain a little, but in general I just tried to avoid sitting whenever possible.

* STRESS CERTAINLY MADE THINGS WORSE - I think this goes with out saying... I think it brings a new meaning and implication to the term 'tight ass'.

* CONSISTENT PHYSICAL THERAPY AND STRENGTHENING THE PELVIC FLOOR MUSCLES WAS THE MOST HELPFUL - I was lucky enough to finally get sent to a physical therapist that specializes in Pelvic Pain Syndrome for both men and women (yes it seems women can get this too sometimes after pregnancy). It seems that this is a new approach to an old problem and many doctors might not be aware of this line of treatment. None the less, most of the things she showed me are not hard to do and can be done by anyone. The best one I learned was sort of like a kegal exercise. Basically, you gently tense up your anus and hold it for 10 seconds then release it for 10 seconds. The key is not to tense up too much. She had me do this process for up to 20 minutes twice a day. This can be done anytime while sitting, standing or laying down. I found it hard at first to do a full 20 minutes, so I just gradually worked up to it.

* CONSISTENT STRETCHING OF THE LEGS, INNER THIGHS AND BACK WAS THE NEXT MOST HELPFUL THING - My physical therapist showed me a variety of stretches and I would share them here, but they are too difficult to describe. All in all, a lot of them were based on yoga stretches so that would be a good place to start. But really, any stretch that deals with those muscles groups should help.

* THAI MASSAGE ALTHOUGH EXPENSIVE WAS ALSO VERY HELPFUL - I did the recommended stretches, but getting a quality thai massage twice a month was way better than anything I could do on my own. I really enjoyed the sessions, but FYI if you don't like intense deep massage, this might not be for you.

* THE UROLOGIST SAID MY DECREASED LIBIDO DID NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH MY PROSTATE - I found this hard to believe because the decreased libido didn't start until I starting having problems with my prostate and my libido eventually came back as the symptoms of the Pelvic Pain Syndrome went away. Maybe the decreased libido was a result of just not feeling well and getting further depressed. Or the weakening of the pelvic floor muscle made it harder to 'get hard'.
Who knows, but I can say that it has come back so I feel there is hope for others who might be experiencing the same.

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Зарегистрирован: 16 июн 2011, 22:07
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Re: Как я боролся с простатитом.

Сообщение bolik@mail.ru » 16 июн 2011, 22:14

Мне 59 лет опыт простатита 30 лет нашел врача который справился ищте в нете БАЛАНЦЕВА СЕРГЕЯ ОЛЕГОВИЧА плюс начала про падать седина 0 давление нормализовалось все как у молодого!!!
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Re: Как я боролся с простатитом.

Сообщение haha » 17 июн 2011, 11:48

bolik@mail.ru писал(а):Мне 59 лет опыт простатита 30 лет нашел врача который справился ищте в нете БАЛАНЦЕВА СЕРГЕЯ ОЛЕГОВИЧА

Что Сергей Олегович, сам семя не похвалишь - никто не похвалит? Дела совсем плохи? Да? :rofl:
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